Give a KNUS (HUG)
K-ærlighed (Love)
N-æring (Nourishment)
U-ddannelse (Education)
S-undhed (Health)
KNUS stands for Kærlighed (Love), Næring (Nourishment), Uddannelse (Education) og Sundhedsydelser (Health services), and it only costs 5 DKK per day to provide a street child with security, care, a full stomach, healthcare, and schooling for an entire month. With KNUS, you choose the amount you wish to donate.
With our Special-KNUS, you can support a specific child in one of our projects. You can become a Special-KNUS sponsor in 4 different ways. The monthly amounts for these programs are fixed.
50 DKK for a child at one of our 4 Day Centres
For 50 DKK per month, you help provide activities, education, homework assistance, and daily meals at our day centres—every weekday.
100 DKK for a child at one of our 3 Schools
For 100 DKK per month, you help ensure schooling with quality education and daily school meals.
250 DKK for a child at our Girls Home
With 250 DKK per month, you provide stable and secure living conditions for the children in our Girls' Home, all of whom urgently need a new home. This includes a warm bed, clothing, daily meals, as well as access to psychological support, healthcare, and round-the-clock care from adults.
350 DKK for a child at the boarding school, Missionaries of the Word
For 350 DKK per month, you ensure schooling, including board and lodging,
for children in need of new, stable, and empowering 24/7 care.
KNUS is more than just an embrace at Gadens Børn.
KNUS saves lives and gives children opportunities
they would not have had otherwise.
Produced in collaboration with Barsk og Andreas Benthien
When you become a KNUS sponsor, you are helping to ensure…
Education for street children with 1-3 meals a day, school uniform, school bag, and health services. Read more about the education program here
Full support for babies and their mothers in the form of daily meals and milk substitutes, diapers, washcloths, toys, health services, and more. Read more about the Baby and Mother Center here.
Tailored assistance, counseling, and ongoing supervision of the children on the street, so we can be a safety net for them when things get tough. Read more about the outreach work here.
You decide…
How much you want to give each month; every amount makes a difference.
For example, a meal costs 2 DKK, while a school uniform costs 45 DKK, and a year of schooling for a child costs 1,200 DKK.
It is that simple…
You sign up using the form above and will receive a welcome email within 2 business days.
You give your contribution via Payment Service, which you sign up for here after receiving your membership number in the welcome email. By enrolling your donation with Payment Service, you avoid 10 kr. of your support going toward sending a physical payment slip. That’s 10 kr. that could otherwise go to the children, allowing us to provide 5 meals.
Let us know if you wish to stop or change your support, and we will take care of the cancellation.
What can you expect?
When you make a contribution of a minimum of 200 DKK per year, you automatically become a member of Gadens Børn.
You will receive an update every six months on how the projects in Kolkata are progressing or on your sponsored child.
You can choose to follow our work on our social media and subscribe to our newsletter, where we keep our readers updated on the children's progress.