“In 2012, I went on a trip to India with my girlfriends. It should have been just a normal holiday, but what we saw and experienced there, changed my life”
— Pia Lindell Qwist, Founder
The encounter that changed my life
“In 2012 I went on a trip to India with my girlfriends. One evening, I meet two children in front of a restaurant – they were siblings and around three to five years old. Both had an empty and distant look in the eyes, and I knew instantly that I had to know their story”. Our driver translated and I was told that the children were orphaned and lived alone in the street. I had thousands of questions regarding these children, their family, their story, care and safety. But the driver just said: “People do what they want with street children and throw them out afterwards”. This sentence stayed with me and changed my holiday, from being a normal holiday into outreach work in the slum areas.
What I felt inside my body, mind, and soul, hearing the stories, was indescribable. On my way back home on the plane, I could not shake off these stories. I knew, what I had seen and experienced would change my life from this moment onwards. I realized, how grateful we ought to be in Denmark. Grateful for the abundance of opportunities we have, for our homes, healthcare, schooling, safety, love and so much more. As I opened my cupboards at home and looked at all the things I had, it was so obvious to me, that selling just one bag could ensure food for around 50 children for a month. I did not NEED this bag, it was just “nice to have” contrary to so much “need to have” I had seen in India.
From scratch in the megacity of Kolkata
Initially, I thoroughly sorted out my expensive bags, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc., and then held a friend’s sales at home, raising DKK 29,000. My friends asked me if I had gone mad, to which I replied, that I probably more likely had become normal instead. After that, I had enough money to travel to Kolkata and found “Gadens Børn” – from scratch and without a network in a megacity with 14 million inhabitants.
I did not know where or how to begin, so I spent the first few years on outreach work in Kolkata’s slum areas, to find out where and how I could help - the best way possible. For potential cooperation, I contacted other present NGOs but experienced very little transparency on how raised money was being spent. Accordingly, I decided to do it on my own - in my own way. Our raised money - must ONLY go to help street children.
The children’s three wishes - schooling, daily meals, and a home
I tied strong bonds with the children and their families in the streets, through play, laughs, and long talks. I got life in the street well underneath my skin. I kept noticing one thing, that even these children live under indescribable conditions, they still have a striking joy for life. Even they do not get food every day, are very dirty, have no shoes, some of them have no parents, but still, they smile and make fun. They are loving and curious and welcome us with virtually no reservations. I really got to know them and their stories including, their needs and wishes for the future. How the children all dream about three things in particular – schooling, food every day, and a place to call home. It became my mission to fight for these children, and make them capable of reaching their dreams. The strategy for “Gadens Børn” started to fall into place.
Three steps forward - two steps back
I soon realized, how persistent we need to be, in order to succeed our mission. Realized, how many times we had to take three steps forward only to go two steps back. How many times we needed to climb the same mountain, just to fall down again. How many bumps and detours we had to take, or how big the bribe would be. How different the culture is and how we could perform within this culture. But I also realized, how much we are capable of, with the right amount of will and fighting spirit. A lot of people ask me, how I get the time for this project. I do not get the time, I take the time. I spend all my spare time on “Gadens Børn” - my friends and family are very sympathetic, and they are a huge support for me.
100 % non-profit
When I founded “Gadens Børn” in 2012, on November 28th, my aim was to be 100% non-profit. Even though people did not believe I could succeed, I was fully determined. We have everything to win and nothing to lose. We have the faith and the will to do it - and today I know, that I can do it and I will succeed. We have so much experience, and we have met a lot of great people. But most of all, we have a lot of grateful children in our network. Children, who all WANT an education and a brighter future, and are willing to fight for it. It is not hard to fathom why we are doing it”.
- Pia Lindell Qwist, Founder