“When I founded Gadens Boern, everybody told me that our help would only be a drop in the ocean. That might be true, but then we should make it rain with drops in the ocean.”
— Pia Lindell Qwist, Founder
It takes little to give vulnerable children a better chance to survive, go to school, be healthy and safe. In Kolkata, your donations are worth more than you think. E.g. a donation of EUR 13 is enough to ensure food for 50 children, clothes for 3 children blanket for 5 children to keep them warm in cold nights.
Do you want to multiply your donation to Gadens Børn? Find out how to organize your own online fundraising campaign here
Is your donation a gift to someone you care for? Contact info@gadensboern.org and get a certificate.
By making donations on a regular basis, you can secure stability and continuity in our long-term effort for a better future for the street children. As a member you can either give a monthly contribution of your own choice, or become a sponsor for a group of children for DKK 149 a month.