Michelle on Her Role as an Ambassador

"When I was first introduced to Gadens Børn, I felt a sense of something greater. Greater than myself, and a feeling of purpose. Being able to help children and families in India—children who do not have the same conditions and opportunities that we have here in Denmark.

I realized that I could genuinely influence their future. It brought me a feeling of joy in my stomach. When I finally met Pia, I was eager and excited. Eager to hear about the project and excited about everything she has done and achieved. It is so beautiful and loving, and I feel proud on Pia's behalf. Pia is also wonderful, with a delightful openness and honesty. There’s fantastic chemistry and good energy, which made me ready to volunteer for this beautiful cause.

I believe that education is the way forward, and Pia is on the right track. With her strength, will, and heart—qualities I recognize in myself—I am confident that I can contribute to Gadens Børn. I am looking forward to it."

— Michelle De Jonghe